Pregnancy Week 25

Pregnancy Week 25

Week 25 is an important week.  More than half way through the pregnancy.  If a baby has to be delivered now by emergency, the chances of survival is better after 25 weeks.  The baby weighs close to 1 1/2 poundsand is about the size of an eggplant. Having an itchy belly is normal, and can be caused by the skin stretching and dry skin.

In my Experience

Week 25 has been interesting.  All of a sudden I am extremely tired all the time.  I think Kaylee is having a growth spurt, and that is what is making me tired.  Not sure, if it doesn’t get any better I will contact my doctor.  My back aches and head aches.  My nose is stuffy too.  All common with pregnancy.  It’s been pretty outside, so I try and make a point in going outside and enjoying the weather.  Walking is enjoyable but it does tire me. Next week I have a prenatal appointment.  I am looking forward to it, never thought I’d say I like going to the doctor now.

March 30, 2010. 1. Leave a comment.

Pregnancy Week 24

Pregnancy Week 24

During the 24th week, the baby is a little over a pound.  Keep in mind not all babies grow at the samerate.  You can feel your uterus above your belly button by now and should be feeling kind of hard. Most women are showing, but in some cases it may be hard to tell for some women.  Dizziness is common during this stage of pregnancy.  If you experience dizziness, contact your doctor to let them know.  It could be a sign of low iron and anemia. Stuffy nose is also common and can be irritating.

In My Experience

This week was pretty easy for me.  I am sporting a belly bump now that is undeniable.  The attention I amgetting is a little different. Most people want to touch my baby bump to feel if Kaylee will kick.  So far she kicks ALOT.  She responds to the sound of my voice, which I love, because I know she and I are going to be close, I’ve already bonded with her.

March 30, 2010. 1. Leave a comment.

Week 23 of Pregnancy

Week 23 of Pregnancy

23 weeks, more than halfway through the 40 week pregnancy term.  During this week, moms may notice some aches and pains from the growing uterus.  Appetite may increase, indegestion, heartburn, and the need to go to the bathroom.

My Experience

I went to the doctor last week for my prenatal checkup and to view the results of my last ultrasound.  My baby girl is doing good, she’s growing and measuring for the weeks I am. However the doctor informed me that I have a low lying placenta and that should be watched.  I had no idea what that is, so she explained it to me, it means my placenta is laying towards my cervix.  She pretty much said there’s a chance I will bleed too much if I have a vaginal birth and that a C-section may have to happen.  Not that it’s a horrible thing, just kind of scary to a new mom.

March 15, 2010. 1. Leave a comment.

Week 22 of Pregnancy

Week 22 of Pregnancy

 During this week, you have probably “popped out” by now or very close to it. Your baby is around 12.25 oz and is more than 7.5 inches in length from the crown to the rump. Some moms feel quite energized and satisfied during this part of the pregnancy. You may notice your balance has changed, and you find yourself dropping things quite often. Another thing that may occur at this time is absentmindedness, or forgetfulness. “Pregnancy Brain” is what they call it. Many people do not believe it’s a condition, and many do believe. Your baby continues to grow and develop. Be sure to take your prenantal vitamins, eat healthy, and get exercise if you can. Drink plently of water and stay hydrated.

In My Experience

“Popped Out” I do believe I have. I love my belly bump but to be honest with you, I also feel slightly bloated and unattractive. Though I am at peace with being pregnant and determined to enjoy every step of the way, but this week my self image has kind of been a little on the low side. So what do I do? I change my hair color back to blonde from a dark blonde. Apparently being pregnant makes your body act weird and my hair did NOT turn a pretty blonde, it changed to a reddish blonde and brown color. I do not even think there’s a name for this color! So of course I just crying and being overly emotional about it, my husband was sweet enough to tell me it’s ok, it doesn’t look bad. During this whole pregnancy, I have not been very emotional at all, but that day I certainly was. A little later on during the day, I was still bummed and certainly did not feel like cooking over a hot stove, so my husband made dinner instead. I started bawling again, he’s so sweet. I told him, “You are such a great husband.” He said “Thank you. Boy your hormones are active today!!” That is all it took but I went from crying to laughing in an instant. He went on to call the hormones HORNmones, and that had me giggling any more. I now believe that pregnancy can make you crazy at one point.

 The weather has gotten pretty this week. Much more like Spring. So my sister and I took her two daughters and one of our other baby nieces to the zoo. We walked around the whole thing, and I tell you, it is NOT easy pushing a stroller with a 23 lb baby in it up a hill and being pregnant. lol. I enjoyed the day, the sunshine, and spending time with family. Spring is definitely just about here and I can’t wait to get out my comfortable stylish dresses and flipflops.

March 7, 2010. 1. Leave a comment.

Week 21 of Pregnancy

Week 21 of Pregnancy

By now you probably have felt your baby move.  If not now, pretty soon.  The baby is about 7 inches now from crown to rump and is probably just about half the size the baby will be when she/he is born.  Digestive system is maturing, and has the ability to swallow. Some women have stretch marks on their stomach area, thighs, hips, and breast.  Breast may still grow and feel fuller.

My Experience

Kaylee is practicing kung fu ninja kicks, I feel her almost constantly now. lol.  She cracks me up, especially when she kicks me right in the gut.  Occasionally she kicks my cervix and that does not feel good.  My sister came down this weekend and we took her girls, my nieces swimming at the indoor pool.  I was surprised my bathing suit still fit, but I definitely look pregnant in it. 

I hopped into the water and to my surprise I floated.  Weird.  I am not sure if that’s normal and I totally felt off balance but it felt so nice to relieve the pressure off my back.  We had fun.  Kaylee seemed to have moved positions because now my back doesn’t hurt so much.  I have so much energy this week, I cleaned my entire house.  I think it’s because Spring is almost here.  I am looking forward to warmer weather.

March 1, 2010. 1. Leave a comment.

Week 20 of Pregnancy

Week 20 of Pregnancy

20 weeks has finally arrived, and you are half way through your pregnacy. It may seem the baby grows half an each week.  Not all babies grow and develop the same.  By this time, the uterus reaches the belly button but not always for some women, it’s slower to reach or faster to reach. Most women are showing and there really is no denying that she’s pregnant.  Maternity clothes are starting to fit better.  In some cases, some women are not quite showing yet which can be frustrating for those who really want to show off their “belly bump.”  During this time, babies are developing their skin. fingerprints, and is covered with a wax like stuff called vernix which acts as a protective barrier.  Now is a good time to have an ultrasound to determine the sex of the baby.

My Experience

Since I already know what we are having, the 20 week ultrasound was no surprise.  🙂  The tech confirmed she is a girl.  Her heart rate was good, her measurements measured right on time.  Kaylee got the hiccups while we were there and we could see it on the ultrasound.  I just love seeing her and hearing her. During the scan the tech found a very small spot on her abdomen area, and had the doctor come and identify it.  First he said it was her gall bladder, then he said it was a gland, I can’t remember exactly what he said, but no one seemed worried.  I was, a little but at least they were being very thorough. I am going to ask my doctor at my next prenatal visit.  Kaylee is really kicking these days, hard enough for my husband to feel her.  I have noticed that she really moves alot when I have music on or if I am reading to her.  I love feeling her move around.  My sister and I went shopping for baby girl clothes.  I am so excited to have some cute outfits to dress her in. Just wish my back would stop hurting.

March 1, 2010. 1. Leave a comment.

Week 19 of Pregnancy

Week 19 of Pregnancy

Now the baby is almost if not already 6 inches from the crown to the rump.  Many women can feel their uterus right below their belly buttons.  Irritibility, and tiredness is normal.  Dizziness is another symptom many women feel and can be a sign of poor circulation, hypotension, or anemia.  If you feel dizzy easily, be sure not to stand up from sitting too quickly and let your doctor know you are feeling dizzy.  Allergies have been known to worsen or become better for women who are pregnant.

My Experience

OMG, we are having a daughter! It’s kind of nice being able to buy baby girl things.  I keep getting comments like, “I knew you were having a girl.  The way you are carrying, and showing so soon.” We decided to name her Kaylee Anne.  So we new refer to her as Kaylee.  I felt her kick really hard this week.  It actually moved the outside of my lower stomach area.  Sure was a freaky feeling.  lol.  This pregnancy is more real to  me now, not that it was before, but I find myself preparing for her arrival.  We even put her crib up to see what it looks like. I had a sudden realization my husband and my life is about to change dramatically.  We decided to go ahead and househunt. We found a cute one we like, we will see how it goes.

March 1, 2010. 1. Leave a comment.

Week 18 of Pregnancy

Week 18 of Pregnancy

Week 18, your baby may be as big as 5.5 inches and weigh a little over 5oz.  The baby is developed enough now to determine the sex though many doctors ask to wait until Week 20 to 22 weeks.  This may seem like a long wait for those who really want to know the sex of thier little one.  You may have gained weight by now. 

My Experience

Weight gain hasn’t been an issue for me.  I have gained 10lbs since my pre-pregnancy weight.  So far my doctor hasn’t said anything about it. This week I went for a prenatal check up.  My doctor checked the heart beat, steady and strong.  I get emotional every time I hear the heart beat.  She measured me with a measuring tape, and said my uterus is measuring right at 18 weeks, right on time.  She also scheduled me an anatomy scan ultrasound for week 20.  2 more weeks a way until I can find out if we are having a daughter or a son.  My excitment may get the best of me.  On the last day of week 18, my sister surprised my husband and me with a 3d ultrasound.  She took us to a place called Baby Bump, and they do gender ultrasounds in 3d.  I was sooooo excited and so was my husband.  I drank some orange juice before we went so maybe the baby would be really active and move around so we could get a good look.  Sure enough we get there and IT’S A GIRL!!! She was sooo cute moving around.  She had her hand on her head resting, then she started playing with her foot.  She reminded me of a little monkey, lol.  I can tell she’s going to be alot of fun.  My sister’s gift was the best gift she could have ever given me.


March 1, 2010. 1. Leave a comment.

Week 17 of Pregnancy

Week 17 of Pregnancy

Week 17 of Pregnancy

Now the baby is almost 5 inches but not quite. Constipation, heart burn, and indigestion are all common.  Some women still crave certain foods and continue to have food adversion. Discharge is common as well, but if it’s discolored or smells fowl, call your doctor. It could be an infection. Breast may still be tender but not quite as severe. Many women are definitly showing while others are not showing at all.

My Experience

I am definitely showing and my stomach is becoming hard.  It is becoming harder and harder to roll over or get up from the couch.  I’ve been doing a lot of walking, for exercise and to help with constipation. This week I’ve been cramping quite a bit.  Felt like my uterus was being squeezed really tight, and it would occur every 5 to 10 minutes.  After 2 days of this, I asked my doctor if I should come in.  She said yes, so I show up, and she sends me straight away to the Labor and Delivery at the hospital.  I am starting to freak out, but she wanted to make sure the baby was ok, and that I wasn’t going into preterm labor.  They wheeled me into the labor and delivery ward, and it smelled right away of babies.  It was such a warm environment, I was glad I decided to have the baby locally.  The nurses hook me up to this monitoring belt to watch contractions if I was having any.  I didn’t have any.  Then the doctor came in and did a pelic exam and determined that I was not in preterm labor, that I was constipated. So she gave me a suppository and it helped me go and the cramping stopped. Thank God it was only constipation.  I do not think I could have been more happy to go take a dump! 🙂

March 1, 2010. 1. Leave a comment.

Week 16 of Pregnancy

Week 16 of Pregnancy

During this week, the baby may weigh almost 3 ounces, and hair covers the baby’s head called lanugo.  Many women can now feel the baby’s movements.  Some say it feels like popcorn popping, flutters, or gas.  Gas is still common, and sometimes it is hard to tell the difference between the baby’s movements and gas. Be sure to drink plenty of fluids, water, juice and milk. Caffiene intake is not a good idea during pregnancy but many women continue to drink caffiene in moderation.

My Experience

Ok, so caffiene is so hard to give up. So instead of missing out on my pop, I drink carbonated drinks like grape pop, so I get the feel of pop without the caffiene.  Of course this is every once in awhile.  I am definitely feeling the baby’s movements, it’s fluttery but not strong enough for others to feel yet.

March 1, 2010. 1. Leave a comment.

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