Week 17 of Pregnancy

Week 17 of Pregnancy

Week 17 of Pregnancy

Now the baby is almost 5 inches but not quite. Constipation, heart burn, and indigestion are all common.  Some women still crave certain foods and continue to have food adversion. Discharge is common as well, but if it’s discolored or smells fowl, call your doctor. It could be an infection. Breast may still be tender but not quite as severe. Many women are definitly showing while others are not showing at all.

My Experience

I am definitely showing and my stomach is becoming hard.  It is becoming harder and harder to roll over or get up from the couch.  I’ve been doing a lot of walking, for exercise and to help with constipation. This week I’ve been cramping quite a bit.  Felt like my uterus was being squeezed really tight, and it would occur every 5 to 10 minutes.  After 2 days of this, I asked my doctor if I should come in.  She said yes, so I show up, and she sends me straight away to the Labor and Delivery at the hospital.  I am starting to freak out, but she wanted to make sure the baby was ok, and that I wasn’t going into preterm labor.  They wheeled me into the labor and delivery ward, and it smelled right away of babies.  It was such a warm environment, I was glad I decided to have the baby locally.  The nurses hook me up to this monitoring belt to watch contractions if I was having any.  I didn’t have any.  Then the doctor came in and did a pelic exam and determined that I was not in preterm labor, that I was constipated. So she gave me a suppository and it helped me go and the cramping stopped. Thank God it was only constipation.  I do not think I could have been more happy to go take a dump! 🙂

March 1, 2010. 1.

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