Week 20 of Pregnancy

Week 20 of Pregnancy

20 weeks has finally arrived, and you are half way through your pregnacy. It may seem the baby grows half an each week.  Not all babies grow and develop the same.  By this time, the uterus reaches the belly button but not always for some women, it’s slower to reach or faster to reach. Most women are showing and there really is no denying that she’s pregnant.  Maternity clothes are starting to fit better.  In some cases, some women are not quite showing yet which can be frustrating for those who really want to show off their “belly bump.”  During this time, babies are developing their skin. fingerprints, and is covered with a wax like stuff called vernix which acts as a protective barrier.  Now is a good time to have an ultrasound to determine the sex of the baby.

My Experience

Since I already know what we are having, the 20 week ultrasound was no surprise.  🙂  The tech confirmed she is a girl.  Her heart rate was good, her measurements measured right on time.  Kaylee got the hiccups while we were there and we could see it on the ultrasound.  I just love seeing her and hearing her. During the scan the tech found a very small spot on her abdomen area, and had the doctor come and identify it.  First he said it was her gall bladder, then he said it was a gland, I can’t remember exactly what he said, but no one seemed worried.  I was, a little but at least they were being very thorough. I am going to ask my doctor at my next prenatal visit.  Kaylee is really kicking these days, hard enough for my husband to feel her.  I have noticed that she really moves alot when I have music on or if I am reading to her.  I love feeling her move around.  My sister and I went shopping for baby girl clothes.  I am so excited to have some cute outfits to dress her in. Just wish my back would stop hurting.

March 1, 2010. 1.

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