Week 22 of Pregnancy

Week 22 of Pregnancy

 During this week, you have probably “popped out” by now or very close to it. Your baby is around 12.25 oz and is more than 7.5 inches in length from the crown to the rump. Some moms feel quite energized and satisfied during this part of the pregnancy. You may notice your balance has changed, and you find yourself dropping things quite often. Another thing that may occur at this time is absentmindedness, or forgetfulness. “Pregnancy Brain” is what they call it. Many people do not believe it’s a condition, and many do believe. Your baby continues to grow and develop. Be sure to take your prenantal vitamins, eat healthy, and get exercise if you can. Drink plently of water and stay hydrated.

In My Experience

“Popped Out” I do believe I have. I love my belly bump but to be honest with you, I also feel slightly bloated and unattractive. Though I am at peace with being pregnant and determined to enjoy every step of the way, but this week my self image has kind of been a little on the low side. So what do I do? I change my hair color back to blonde from a dark blonde. Apparently being pregnant makes your body act weird and my hair did NOT turn a pretty blonde, it changed to a reddish blonde and brown color. I do not even think there’s a name for this color! So of course I just crying and being overly emotional about it, my husband was sweet enough to tell me it’s ok, it doesn’t look bad. During this whole pregnancy, I have not been very emotional at all, but that day I certainly was. A little later on during the day, I was still bummed and certainly did not feel like cooking over a hot stove, so my husband made dinner instead. I started bawling again, he’s so sweet. I told him, “You are such a great husband.” He said “Thank you. Boy your hormones are active today!!” That is all it took but I went from crying to laughing in an instant. He went on to call the hormones HORNmones, and that had me giggling any more. I now believe that pregnancy can make you crazy at one point.

 The weather has gotten pretty this week. Much more like Spring. So my sister and I took her two daughters and one of our other baby nieces to the zoo. We walked around the whole thing, and I tell you, it is NOT easy pushing a stroller with a 23 lb baby in it up a hill and being pregnant. lol. I enjoyed the day, the sunshine, and spending time with family. Spring is definitely just about here and I can’t wait to get out my comfortable stylish dresses and flipflops.

March 7, 2010. 1.

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