Week 17 of Pregnancy

Week 17 of Pregnancy

Week 17 of Pregnancy

Now the baby is almost 5 inches but not quite. Constipation, heart burn, and indigestion are all common.  Some women still crave certain foods and continue to have food adversion. Discharge is common as well, but if it’s discolored or smells fowl, call your doctor. It could be an infection. Breast may still be tender but not quite as severe. Many women are definitly showing while others are not showing at all.

My Experience

I am definitely showing and my stomach is becoming hard.  It is becoming harder and harder to roll over or get up from the couch.  I’ve been doing a lot of walking, for exercise and to help with constipation. This week I’ve been cramping quite a bit.  Felt like my uterus was being squeezed really tight, and it would occur every 5 to 10 minutes.  After 2 days of this, I asked my doctor if I should come in.  She said yes, so I show up, and she sends me straight away to the Labor and Delivery at the hospital.  I am starting to freak out, but she wanted to make sure the baby was ok, and that I wasn’t going into preterm labor.  They wheeled me into the labor and delivery ward, and it smelled right away of babies.  It was such a warm environment, I was glad I decided to have the baby locally.  The nurses hook me up to this monitoring belt to watch contractions if I was having any.  I didn’t have any.  Then the doctor came in and did a pelic exam and determined that I was not in preterm labor, that I was constipated. So she gave me a suppository and it helped me go and the cramping stopped. Thank God it was only constipation.  I do not think I could have been more happy to go take a dump! 🙂

March 1, 2010. 1. Leave a comment.

Week 16 of Pregnancy

Week 16 of Pregnancy

During this week, the baby may weigh almost 3 ounces, and hair covers the baby’s head called lanugo.  Many women can now feel the baby’s movements.  Some say it feels like popcorn popping, flutters, or gas.  Gas is still common, and sometimes it is hard to tell the difference between the baby’s movements and gas. Be sure to drink plenty of fluids, water, juice and milk. Caffiene intake is not a good idea during pregnancy but many women continue to drink caffiene in moderation.

My Experience

Ok, so caffiene is so hard to give up. So instead of missing out on my pop, I drink carbonated drinks like grape pop, so I get the feel of pop without the caffiene.  Of course this is every once in awhile.  I am definitely feeling the baby’s movements, it’s fluttery but not strong enough for others to feel yet.

March 1, 2010. 1. Leave a comment.

Week 15 of Pregnancy

Week 15 of Pregnancy

The baby may reach up to 4.5 inches from the crown to the rump. Babies are measured from crown to rump for awhile.  The baby’s skin and vessels are developing, and has the ability to suck it’s thumb. Sleeping patterns may affect the unborn baby. Sleeping on your back and stomach is not reccomended.  Sleeping on the left side is best way to ensure quality blood flow to your unborn baby.  Some women freak out if they wake up on their backs, just roll back over onto your side. 

My Experience

Sleep has become a dreaded thing for me at nights.  I can’t get comfortable.  Hot flashes, too cold, can’t seem to get comfortable on my sides, plus I lie awake thinking about the future.  I have read insomnia is common in pregnancy.  My head has stopped hurting quite a bit, but my back aches from time to time.  My energy level has increased slightly though.  I’m so glad.  It was starting to get me down.  Wish Spring would hurry up and get here.  I think it has snowed more this winter than it has in years and it’s been so cold.  I am not enjoying it at all. 

My husband and I have been talking about moving, buying a house actually.  We need a bigger place since we have a baby on the way.  I am also trying to get a different car, a 4 door.  Still waiting on work to call.  On the plus side, it leaves me more time to spend at home preparing myself for a baby, hanging out with my sister and my nieces.  My nieces are 2 and 4, and when they see me, they ask me about the baby.  Once my sister asked my 4 year old niece, “What should Aunt De name her baby?”  She answered, “Baby Walmart.”  lol.  So I guess my baby’s nickname is Walmart.  Don’t get me started on Walmart.  I learned never visit Walmart hungry in the middle of the day on a Friday.  It’s way crowded and my patience is very thin.  The urge to ram people with my cart has never been so strong.  Plus all the smells, the weird smells of people totally gross me out.

March 1, 2010. 1. Leave a comment.

Week 14 of Pregnancy

Week 14 of Pregnancy

Second trimester is finally here.  The baby is between 3 and 4 inches and continues to develop and look more human like.  Hemmoroids are common amongst pregnant women but can be treated.  Yeast infections are common as well.  Morning sickness and other annoying symptoms are usually gone for some women but others it continues.  Drink plenty of water, it is important to stay hydrated.  Energy is supposed to increase but may not for some women.

My Experience

So isn’t pregnancy supposed to make a mom’s skin glow?  I think it’s done the opposite for me.  My skin is dull and dry and my hair is in a need of a haircut.  I’m not feeling very attractive but my husband seems to beg the differ.  He says he finds me even more attractive as my body is changing. I am so excited about finding out the sex of our baby too but it’s more than a month away until we find out.  I had my second prenatal appointment this week.  My head has continued to hurt non-stop since my last appointment but she did the pelvic exam, listened to the baby’s heart beat which was about 159.  (very girly heartbeat, but you can never tell that way) and determined I had a yeast infection.  Lovely.  She also prescribed me a suppository for severe migraine pain.  I am a little leary of taking it, but I did after my doctor assurred me it would be ok.  Relief was awesome.  I am feeling flutters now but everyone keeps telling me it’s probably gas.  I think different, it feels odd, flutters and I feel like tapping.  One of my friends said this is called “drumming.” It keeps me up at night.  Insomnia is becoming more frequent. I am still tired all the time but I think headaches and backaches are to blame.  Possibly be the cold weather and pregnancy too of course.  I told my husband that I feel like I have the flu, just BLAH, all the time.  Doing laundry and some other chores hurt my back.  Hopefully this will change soon.

March 1, 2010. 1. Leave a comment.

Week 13 of Pregnancy

Week 13 of Pregnancy

The baby reaches 3 inches this week and is about the size of a fist and the intestines are developing.  Moms may noticed they have outgrown their regular clothes.  Nausea, morning sickness decreasing and energy may increase.  Half way through this week at 13.5 weeks, the second trimester begins.  For many women, this is a welcomed site. For others nothing changes. 

My Experience

Second trimester finally here! Yay!! The risk of miscarriage falls dramatically during this trimester, energy is supposed to peak, and sexual desire is supposed to change too.  I am hoping for the better.  So far, my sex drive has been non-existent.  I can no longer fit my regular clothes but I am still in between that and maternity.  Time to put on the sweats.

March 1, 2010. 1. Leave a comment.

Week 12 of Pregnancy

During this week, the baby reaches 2 1/5 inches and the skeletal system continues to develop.  The baby is beginning to develop the ability to absorb glucose.  Hormones are developing, and the female or male parts are developing.  It may still be too early to tell the sex of the baby.  Morning sickness begins to subside in many women but for some it may last the entire pregnancy.  Back ache is common.

My Experience

This week I met my OBgyn.  I like her, and I had an awful headache so she decided not to do an pelvic exam.  So suggested I take Tylanol and allergy medicine for my headache.  I have a history of migraine headaches and before I was pregnant I was taking Topamax for migraine prevention.  I loved the medicine because it kept my migraine headaches at bay but also helped keep the weight off of me.  When I became pregnant, I discontinued taking the medicine and of course my migraines returned.  My OBgyn thinks this particular headache is allergy related.  Very possible, the weather is freaky cold, and never stable here. 

My husband and I began talking about names.  Kaylee for a girl and Hunter for a boy.  Not everyone agrees with our name choices but it is our child and we choose the name. Im still waiting for work, so far no hours are available, so I am trying to make money online writing.  I am still in college and taking my last class for my associates.  This last class is VERY hard so I am kind of glad I have all my time to focus on it.  Not to mention, I have a headache so severe it keeps me in bed a lot of the time.

March 1, 2010. 1. Leave a comment.

Week 11 of Pregnancy

Week 11 of Pregnancy

The baby has probably reached 2 inches by now. Growth is rapid and is beginning to look more human.  Mothers may notice an increase of growth of hair and nails and maybe a glow.  For others, hair, skin, and nails may show changes such as dryness.  Continue to drink plenty of water. 

My Experience

Im excited about meeting my prenatal doctor next week. I’ve been concerned about having the baby locally or in Tulsa.  This has made finding an OBgyn kind of confusing.  If I have the baby in Tulsa, all my appointments will be far away, and I will have to drive each time, which is time, gas, and money.  Also when it comes to having the baby, all my family will be down there and it makes it easy to have visitors.  On the other hand, I may go into labor early, and have no one to drive me to Tulsa.  I would have to wait for my husband who works in Tulsa drive home, pick me up, and take me back to Tulsa to the hospital. That’s a long wait if you are seriously in the need to get to the hospital. If I have the baby in the next town 15 minutes away, I have all my appointments locally.  Also, the hospital is small, so my baby and I will have individual attention.  My mother in law could drive me when I go into labor and my husband is at work.  Worst case, I could take myself.  This week, at work, I showed up after an appointment at work, and they had replaced me with a new worker.  I was no longer needed at the house I was working in as an HTS (Home health for the developmentally disabled) I was upset but it could be a blessing in disguise.

March 1, 2010. 1. Leave a comment.

Week 10 of Pregnancy

Week 10 of Pregnancy

This is still the first trimester of pregnancy.  Many women are not clear about when the second trimester of pregnancy begins. 13.5 weeks per trimester but it is safe to say after 14 weeks, it is the next trimester. This week, the baby continues to develop, and during this week, the embryo (baby) is no longer called an embryo but a fetus.  It is important that mothers become educated about what their actions do for the unborn baby.  Smoking is bad habit, drinking, and drugs are harmful.  Xrays, are another concern and its important to tell your health care providers that you are pregnant.

I stopped at a yard sale, I know it’s kind of cold for one, but there was one and they had baby stuff.  I have a feeling that this baby I am carrying is a boy, so I bought a cute little boy outfit.  Buying stuff got me really excited.  There is a consignment shop in the next town, and they advertised a bag sale on baby clothes.  I stocked up on onesies and sleepers, both boys and girls.  My sister has bought me girl sleepers.  People are starting to give me stuff too. My family and friends are beginning to talk about the future, as well as my husband and me.  Will I be staying home after the baby is born, or return to work.  Will I be breast feeding or bottle feeding. I really want to breast feed, but the thought kind of scares me.  Not many people support this idea, and want to feed the baby too.  My husband agrees with me, we should breast feed.  After all, breast milk offers a unique nutritionous meal that is formulated and designed to meet my babies individual needs.  It is also free.  A friend of mine reccomended I check out WIC (Women, Infant, Children) which is a program that for women and children that offers food that is nutritionous at no cost. I did check it out, and I do qualify and I recieved my card.  The extra milk we get has been awesome.  No morning sickness anymore, but chicken smells like wet dog to me.  YUCK, so I have stayed clear of it as much as I can. lol.

March 1, 2010. 1. Leave a comment.

Week 9 of Pregnancy

Week 9 of Pregnancy

This week, the baby will probably be an inch big.  The baby continues to grow and develop, and you may see some changes in your body as well.  The baby can move now but it is most likely too soon to feel any movement.  However in an ultrasound, the baby can be seen moving.  Heartbeat can be heard on a doppler.  Many women have their prenatal visits this time.  For many ladies, their appetite may be increasing though morning sickness is still apparent for alot.  One concern is how much weight should you gain during your pregnancy?  How much is too much?  Ask your prenatal doctor what should be good for your body type, size, and weight.

My Experience

I am beginning to feel a little pregnant.  My body feels out of control, and I am sleepy alot.  One night this week, my uterus was cramping, almost bad enough to make me cry.  So I decided to go to the emergency room and make sure every thing is ok.  I was at work at the time, and they suggested I go and come back if I could.  So I go, they admit me in the ER very quickly, and made me urinate in a cup, (I almost peed on my hand, TMI, I know.) After that, they found I was dehydrated, and that was what was causing my cramping.  They hooked me up to an IV, gave me fluids, and then surprised me with an ultrasound.  I got to see my little baby and hear it’s heartbeat.  It was emotional and so exciting all in one.  It made me realize that this is real.  My doctor said I need to drink 2 liters of water a day.  Just the thought of that makes me want to pee. I got to take home a picture from the ultrasound.  My little baby looks like a kitty cat. LOL.

March 1, 2010. 1. Leave a comment.

Week 8 of Pregnancy

Week 8 of Pregnancy

During week 8, the baby is about the size of a bean, hence the nickname “Bean.” Things that may happen this week is the continuing of morning sickness, emotional, fatigue, constipation, heartburn, food adversions and cravings, tenderness of the breasts, and bloating. The baby is really growing, and developing.  Ears are forming, the heart is forming, and arms and legs are growing.

My Experience

My clothes are beginning to get a little tight, in fact, my skinny jeans no longer fit.  I am not sure I am welcoming that but then I realized, there’s a little lifeform inside of me, and I am finally going to be a Mom so it doesn’t bother me anymore.  I am beginning to show, I’ve got that little pudge going on.  This week I told my boss and co-workers I am pregnant.  It was not a great week, I realized that some people are NOT happy I am pregnant.  The ladies my age are all very excited about someone having a baby, but there is one person who told me not to be excited because my pregnancy will probably end in miscarriages.  She went on to tell me all about hers, and her daughter-in-laws.  The whole time it was making me sad and scared.  It wasn’t like I wasn’t already worried.  Then it felt like the lady was working me to the point where I could have one. My boss was understanding and worked with me on hours so I could qualify for the state’s health program, so working less hours was good.

March 1, 2010. 1. Leave a comment.

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