Pregnancy Week 26

Pregnancy Week 26

Pregnancy Week 26

This week your baby has probably grown a few ounces heavier, total weight is close to 1.7 lbs.  As a mom, your total weight gain is probably between 10-20 lbs.  This week you may be feeling emotional, feeling your baby move quite strongly, backaches and headaches. This is normal as well as some achiness.  Close to week 26, your baby’s eyes may be developing to the point to where they open.

In my Experience

So far week 26 has been chaotic and stressful.  It was Easter weekend which snuck up on me so fast and the entire weekend I stayed busy.  Though it was fun, I am not used to running around in every direction plus the high level of activities. I am an emotional wreck, the stress is getting the best of me.  Kaylee is usually a kicker, I feel her through out the day but one day I didn’t feel her move so it worried me.  I called my doctor and she had me come in right away, that just made me even more stressed.  Kaylee is doing good, she has a strong heartbeat, and my doctor explained to me that babies have up days and down days.  An average of 10 times is how many times a day I should feel Kaylee.  Little life stresses have me so down, and I mentioned that to my doctor too, she wanted to put me on an anti-depressant but I asked her for alternatives.  She mentioned that some anti depressants may cause the baby to become disconnected for the first few months of life from the mother and father.  I don’t want that at all so she suggested I exercise 30 minutes a day, get into hobbies, visit friends and just get out every day to help with being depressed.  I am going to try it since the weather is becoming better.  I already visit friends, but maybe I need more.  Don’t get me wrong, I am so excited about Kaylee, just wish she’d get here so I can hold her, love her and play with her.

April 5, 2010. 1.

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