Week 1- 4 of Pregnancy

This month, at least by the end of it, you will have found out that you are expecting a little one. Perhaps by taking a home pregnancy test, the the lines became positive. You will want to go to the doctor for your pregnancy confirmation. Once that it is confirmed, you will want to prepare yourself for the next 36 weeks (9 months)

During the first 4 weeks, you may feel the pregnancy symptoms.  Those symptoms include

Zero Menstruation (or in some cases a very short one, which could be implantation bleeding)
Nausea with or without vommitting. (Morning sickness)
Sleepiness, fatigue
Gas and Bloating (that feeling of PMS but with gas too)
Food cravings or turn offs to food
Mood swings, sadness, or moodiness, emotional

These first 4 weeks go by quickly and you may not even know you are pregnant until the very last of the first month. Duringthese weeks, the embryo, which is your developing baby does not look human at all.  It looks more like a peanut or a bean. Hence the common nick names, “Peanut and Little Bean” The embryo is very small, and the only difference in the mother’s body is tender breast, and perhaps in some cases, a little swollen, similar to PMS.

Many women choose not to tell or share the news with anyone until further along in the pregnancy.  Miscarriage is more common during the first few weeks.

My Experience

November 6, I found out my husband and I are expecting our first baby.  Quite a surprise to us really. I was on the pill, and we had just gotten married 2 months before.  I had a period but it only lasted 1.5 days so I was not really alarmed but since I had been on the pill I have had 2 periods a month.  When I never officially started either one, so I bought a home pregnancy test and to my surprise it was positive.  I showed my husband, and we decided that I will go the next day and get it confirmed.  Since it was a Saturday, I chose to drive 30 minutes away to a place called Hope Pregnancy Center.  They were really friendly and had me urinate in a cup, and they tested it and confirmed my pregnancy. 

Now looking back, in October, I was feeling nauseated, but I passed it as nerves or catching a bug.  I had started a new job, and there were a lot of changes in my life.  I had also felt a little emotional around my birthday, maybe even a little aggitated which isn’t like me at all.  I passed it as stress, I am not getting any younger, and wasn’t feeling good that day.

A few days later, I got the H1N1 vaccine, they had asked me if I wanted the spray or the injection.  Since I didn’t think there was a chance I was pregnant, I asked for the spray.  I also got the flu vaccine.

March 1, 2010. Pregnancy the Ups and Downs.

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